line in sandThis is it.

It’s time to get real.

I’m drawing a line in the sand.


I’m 30 years old, soon to be 31 and it’s time to grab life by the balls and do what I’ve been saying I want to do for YEARS.


Here’s the thing: over five years ago I set a goal to be financially free by age 30 so that I could live life by my own design, raise a family as a present parent, travel the world, help people, make choices for the good of the planet, and leave a legacy of love and meaningful work behind me. Over the last five years or so, I have invested significantly in personal growth, invested in my physical well being, learned from incredible mentors, read lots of books, attended conferences, trainings, seminars, done all the personality profiles and strengths assessments that have come my way and have started dabbling in meditation, pendulum and other intuitive modalities. I have intentionally formed new habits, rebelliously quit those habits, and continue to strive towards my ideal daily routine. I have achieved successes and then sat back complacently and watched things crumble. 

The long and short of it is, I haven’t yet reached my goal. I guess you could say I failed. But, more importantly, this is what I’ve learned…


I will never give up.

I can’t live a life of complacency.

Now that I know what’s possible.

Now that I’ve seen the results of others on this path.

Now that I have tasted freedom…


I can’t go back to life as it is for many people. As challenging as it may be to forge a different path and as much confusion/judgement/rejection as I may have to face – I just don’t see any other way of living my life.


I’ve wondered many times whether I’m cut out for this journey, or whether I’m spinning my tires, wasting my time. Am I meant to be an entrepreneur or should I just content myself with being the best damn employee someone could ask for?


I’m sure I’m not alone in this thought…

Its easier to get things done when someone else is expecting you to. Its easier to meet a deadline when it’s someone else’s deadline rather than your own. Its easier to show up when you know you have to, versus just because you want to. (I know it sounds weird, but it’s actually true). I am a people pleaser by nature – so what I’m really asking myself these days is how can I untrain this part of myself, or transmute my desire to please other people into a desire to please myself.


What if I worked as hard for myself as I do for others?


This is what I’ve realized and decided: I don’t need more courses, coaching or guidance. I already know everything I need to know to commence my journey. Yes, there may be technical questions or details here and there that I need help with but when I’m really honest with myself – I know enough about my strengths and weaknesses, enough about the theory of what I’m trying to do (create freedom) and enough about what needs to get done.


All that remains is to do it.


So I’m going within and asking my inner mentor/spirit/the universe for guidance and for help:

“I get it. Thank you. I am enough. I have enough knowledge, resources and time to get this job done. I don’t need to wait for anyone’s approval to move forward. The time is whenever I decide it to be. The time is right now. I am as competent as I need to be.  I have the resourcefulness inside me to overcome any challenge. If I come across a block, I trust my ability to solve it or ask for help.”


Now that I am ready – here is what I am asking for from you, Universe:

I am asking for the 3-4 people who are ready to go on this journey with me NOW.

I recognize that I need accountability and I need the power of a mastermind. There is nothing that holds more power than minds that are on the same wavelength and working with synergy. If I can’t show up purely for myself than maybe I can show up for others who will hold me to my word.

This is exactly who I am looking for, and who I promise to BE (we can’t ask from others what we are unwilling to do/be ourselves).

a person who:

  • craves freedom; time freedom, financial freedom, and the well being to enjoy it, and is COMMITTED to achieving these things in the next year
  • understands the mechanisms of creating freedom or is OPEN to quickly learning it (residual and passive income, not being in a time-money exchange model, leveraging money and people to get work done, not having to do it all yourself, empowering others with the same level of opportunity, outsourcing where appropriate)
  • keeps their word; if they ever break integrity with their word they acknowledge and rectify it
  • is willing to show up and do the work; willing to do whatever it takes
  • is ready to go NOW
  • is able to take care of themselves so they don’t burn out
  • is communicative and willing to share ideas, collaborate, mastermind and contribute
  • wants to build a high tech, high touch business utilizing principles of online business with the essence of a real human-connection community
  • wants to build/add a relationship marketing business to their financial portfolio because they want to help other people create freedom too
  • is a creative problem solver
  • takes responsibility for themselves and their actions
  • is willing to invest time and money in the growth and development of their business
  • is a lifelong learner
  • is honest
  • is heart-centered
  • is intuitive, or interested in developing their intuition
  • has read or is willing to read the following books:
    • Napolean Hill – Think and Grow Rich
    • Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements
    • Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth
    • Tara Mohr – Playing Big


My vision for this Freedom Circle Mastermind

  • weekly or bi-weekly meetings by phone or in person depending on our respective locations
  • targets/goals that are set with time frames
  • celebration of achievements
  • masterminding of problems/obstacles
  • an introductory session where we map out the next year of strategies and milestones


If you feel you would be a good fit, please send me an email with “Freedom Circle Mastermind” in the subject line to aimee at


I can’t wait to chat!