2015-02-16 20.56.57-1It’s been said that you become the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. It makes sense and that’s why I’ve decided to spend time with, and work with, people who share my core values. They don’t have to be exactly the same as me (that could get boring) but there are some fundamentals that I think are pretty important.


Love your body

We get one body and it is our responsibility (and only ours) to look after it. I am jazzed to spend time with people who respect and love their bodies. That being said, I’m not a total health freak. I like to eat fries now and then. I love chocolate, red wine, cheese, and my all time favourite thing in the world is pasta. I believe in making good choices, almost all the time. My friend Andrea really nails this point in her blog.


Live by design

In other words, recognize the power you have to create your future. If life doesn’t look or feel the way you want it to, change something. I get annoyed with people who complain a lot, dwell on the negative, or act like they are a victim of the circumstances in their lives. I totally get off around people who understand they are in the driver’s seat of their own life. That doesn’t mean every day is picture perfect or that there aren’t moments of doubt, but to know that you really do have a choice, in every moment, about how to live your life.


Pursue freedom

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m kinda stoked on being free. And I fully realize that freedom looks different for everyone. I believe if more people feel free, both financially and in their well-being, the world will be a better place to live. And that means everyone wins! For me, the path to freedom includes self-discovery, a focus on physical well-being, personal and spiritual growth, and alignment with an entrepreneurial vehicle to provide abundant cash flow and free up my time.


Embrace unconventional education

Home schooling. Independent schools. Waldorf. I’ve been lucky to experience some unconventional education in my life (even before the snazzy stuff like un-schooling and hack-schooling came out!). No offense to all the great teachers out there (I was lucky to have some really good ones), but the public school system is broken. I believe we must seek out the learning opportunities that excite us and that some of the most valuable learning happens outside the classroom. I believe children should be celebrated for their uniqueness and nurtured into their brilliance if we are to create a thriving future for humanity.


Radiate positivity

The world needs as much love as it can get. Do what you love. Love yourself. Express your love. I don’t think its possible to overdose on love. A positive mindset has been my number one asset during the last few years of transition.


A few things I love:

  • Witnessing inspiration, growth, and transformation in others
  • Exploring nature and experiencing the world
  • Growing, cooking, and sharing delicious and nutritious food
  • Chocolate, red wine, and cheese (oh, did I mention these already?)
  • My family, my friends, and my man
  • MY DOG, Isik (aka my fur baby)
  • Dancing and music
  • Life



Your turn

What are your core beliefs? Have you ever taken the time to reflect on what your priorities are? Since we’re influenced by the people we spend time with… are there people in your life that lift you up and make you laugh? Are there people who suck your energy and bring you down? You choose who you surround yourself with – choose wisely.


If you’re looking for a tribe of like-minded people in your life, and this stuff reson
ates with you, awesome! You might want to check out what its like to work with us.